I’ve just posted an article I wrote for a 2010 symposium about the impact of Judith Butler’s work on legal scholarship that was recently published by the Columbia Journal of Gender and Law. I welcome feedback!
Sci-Fi Inspired
The exciting new online journal, feminists@law, recently published their first issue. I wrote a little essay in there about what feminist legal theorists might learn from science fiction.
Guernica Interview and Books!
Meaghan Winter recently interviewed me for Guernica, have a look. In other news, I’m very excited that Nat Smith and Eric Stanley’s anthology, Captive Genders: Transembodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex is coming out in August. Finally, I’m happy to report that, working with the editors at South End Press, I’ve finally settled on a title for my forthcoming book, Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the Limits of Law.
About Purportedly Gendered Body Parts
I wrote up a little something about the language that we use to talk about body parts that are most strongly associated with gender norms. It might be of use, particularly, to health practitioners and others who talk about bodies a lot.
Considering Law School?
I wrote up a little summary of some of the things I often tell people who come to me because they are considering law school and want to know if it is a good route to making transformative change. I hope this might be a helpful document for activists considering law school.
Little movie
I got inspired by the little movies other people have been making on xtranormal and made one myself. Have a look-see.
With the assistance of the talented Craig Willse, I just put up this site in hopes that it will make it easy for people to access my writing and teaching materials. These days I’m working on edits to my book, which is being published by South End Press in August 2011, and getting ready to teach two classes this fall at Seattle U Law — Law and Social Movements and Poverty Law. Photo: A poster made by Femme Sharks and carried in the 2009 SF Dyke March.