Check it out!
Review of Mutual Aid in Art Forum
Check out this new review Kaegan Sparks wrote about my book on mutual aid and Disasters and Social Reproduction: Crisis Response Between the State and Community, by Peer Illner.
Activist Theology Podcast Interview
Check out this conversation I had with the Activist Theology Podcast about mutual aid!
Podcast Appearance: Red in the Face
I had a fun conversation with the hosts of Red in the Face about mutual aid and more.
Video: Conversation about Mutual Aid with Nikkita Oliver
It was such a treat to have a conversation with Nikkita Oliver, one of my favorite collaborators and teachers, about my new book on mutual aid in January.
Comic about My Interview with JVN
My favorite comic artist, Ellen O’Grady, made this comic about her experience listening to my interview with Jonathan Van Ness. I’m just including a couple favorite images of it below, check out the whole thing here.
New Study Guide for Mutual Aid Book
Radical in Progress made a study guide for my new book on mutual aid. Check it out!
CLAGS 30th Anniversary Event Video: Queer and Trans Activism Then and Now
It was such an honor to be part of this panel of Kessler Award winners, with Urvashi Vaid and Amber Hollibaugh, skillfully facilitated by Shanté Paradigm Smalls.
Video: Bodies, Sexualities and Law Panel
I had the pleasure of being part of this conversation with Madhavi Menon, Rahul Rao, and Flavia Agnes.
New Interview with Them about Why I Oppose Trans Military Inclusion Advocacy
Just five days after being sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden signed an executive order overturning former President Trump’s ban on openly transgender Americans serving in the military. “All Americans who are qualified to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States should be able to serve,” it read, going on to argue that an “inclusive military strengthens our national security.”
Biden’s executive order, one of a flurry he signed during his administration’s first week, marked the fulfillment of one of his foremost policy proposals regarding the advancement of LGBTQ+ equality in America. More specifically, the order counteracted a 2017 directive by the Trump administration banning openly trans folks from the armed services — itself a reversal of the Obama administration’s 2016 order that paved the way for trans Americans to serve in the military without hiding their gender identity.
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