I recently got to do a political education workshop about mutual aid for a group I really admire, CAT-911. They are working to build ways of responding to emergencies without calling the cops, and their work is very thoughtful and inspiring!
Video: “Facing the Limits of Law Reform in these Times of Crisis” Lecture
Video: In Conversation with Kelly Hayes about Mutual Aid
I had the great honor to be part of the Women’s History Month Annual Symposium at Northwestern University, where I got to be in conversation with Kelly Hayes about mutual aid. Check it out!

Resources about the Role of Lawyers in Social Movements
People who are considering going to law school are already started or finished law school ask me about this question a lot. Here are some of the things I have put together over the years that may be useful.
Here’s a captioned video from a recent presentation at Northwestern: “Fighting to Win: The Roles of Lawyering and Law Reform in Liberation Struggles”.

Here’s a captioned video of a May 2021 conversation with Stanford Law students about the role of lawyers in movements and how people who are in law school or have graduated from law school can be of service to movements. Here is a captioned video recording from an event titled “What Every Activist Should Know Before Going to Law School” hosted by the University of Washington’s Legal Pathways program in April 2020.

And finally, about ten years ago I published this short essay in the lefty law journal Unbound about the myths that mislead a lot of people who want social change to think they should go to law school, and the realities people should know before going. I think it is still a pretty good summary of the issues.
New Debate/Conversation with Aaron Belkin about Trans Military Inclusion Advocacy
Aaron Belkin and I just published this debate/conversation about our opposing views on trans military inclusion advocacy. I hope it will be a useful tool for classrooms and reading groups, and people wanting to understand this debate.

I tried talking about anti-capitalism on Bloomberg TV
Review of Mutual Aid in Art Forum
Check out this new review Kaegan Sparks wrote about my book on mutual aid and Disasters and Social Reproduction: Crisis Response Between the State and Community, by Peer Illner.

Activist Theology Podcast Interview
Check out this conversation I had with the Activist Theology Podcast about mutual aid!

Podcast Appearance: Red in the Face
I had a fun conversation with the hosts of Red in the Face about mutual aid and more.

Video: Conversation about Mutual Aid with Nikkita Oliver
It was such a treat to have a conversation with Nikkita Oliver, one of my favorite collaborators and teachers, about my new book on mutual aid in January.