Had a great conversation with Laura about this f*cked up time we’re living in and how we can have each other’s backs, care for each other, and raise hell together.
New Tool: Cultivating Solidarity in Times of Escalating Repression
I’ve been working on this new tool about how to respond to escalating repression without falling into classic anti-solidarity traps with Community Justice Exchange, Jocelyn Simonson, PIlar Weiss, Atara Rich-Shea and Zohra Ahmed since last year, and we’re excited to share it! You can find the entire tool at bit.ly/cultivatesolidarity. Check out the video from our launch event below.
Video: Defending mutual aid
Don’t miss this recent webinar, packed full of info about the current ways that mutual aid work is being criminalized and attacked, and how organizers can keep doing our work even as pressures build.
Videos: Romance Myth Webinar Series Updated with 2024 Video
I had the pleasure of collaborating with Fireweed Collective again to put on a fourth installment of my Dismantling the Romance Myth webinar series. The fourth webinar focuses on how we get caught in fears of abandonment and engulfment and what we can do to act in alignment with our values when those fears show up. Below you’ll also find the prior years’ videos and links to the slide decks from each year’s webinar.
Fourth Webinar with ASL:
Fourth Webinar with Spanish Interpretation:
2023 Webinar:
2022 Webinar:
2021 Webinar:
Video: Should Social Movement Work Be Paid? Lecture
Old anti-marriage animated video
Something I made a long time ago, when it was fun to make animated characters say your propaganda for the first time. Content warning: dry humping.
Creative rest conversation with Jewish Studio Project
New Romance Webinar: Dismantling the Cycle of Romance
I had the pleasure of doing another workshop on romance with the Fireweed Collective, following up on my Valentine’s Day 2021 workshop on the Romance Myth, below.
Below is a video of the ASL interpreters for the Romance Myth workshop.
Video: The Revolution Is My Personfriend Workshop
The Poetry Project invited me to give a workshop in December 2021. I shared some of the material from a book I’m working on. This interactive workshop focuses on what the Romance Myth is, how it fucks us up, and how friendship can be a useful support.
Workshop Series: Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups
October 2021-January 2022 I am offering this series of four workshops about how to meet common obstacles facing mutual aid groups. For each of the posted workshops, you can find the slides, links to resources mentioned, templates of proposals I discussed in the workshops, and other tools in the links below each video here. The last in the series is coming up January 20. Register here.
WORKSHOP 1: No Masters, No Flakes
Group culture, capacity, overwork, procrastination, and perfectionism in mutual aid groups.
Presentation slides (PDF)
Results from the live polls (PDF)
Dean Spade: Facilitating Conversations about Capacity in Mutual Aid Groups (video)
Dean Spade: Burnout in Mutual Aid Groups (video)
Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 2): Decision-Making (video)
WORKSHOP 2: Decision-Making
Dean Spade: Facilitating Conversations about Capacity in Mutual Aid Groups (video)
Dean Spade: Burnout in Mutual Aid Groups (video)
Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 1): No Masters, No Flakes! (video)
Consensus (Direct Democracy @ Occupy Wall Street) (video)
WORKSHOP 3: Skills for Abolitionist Practice
Live transcription is available here.
A workshop with Dean Spade about giving and receiving feedback in mutual aid groups.
- Slides from the workshop
- Workshop template – slide deck template to put on a workshop about group culture and feedback in your mutual aid group (Google slideshow)
- Turning Toward Each Other: A Conflict Workbook
- In It Together – a new workbook/toolkit for groups doing social movement work about conflict in our groups
- Centered Self-Accountability by Shannon Perez-Darby
- Building Accountable Communities video series
WORKSHOP 4: Bringing New People Into the Work
More videos from this series:
- Why Should Mutual Aid Groups Use Consensus Decision Making?
- Building Trust in Groups Using Consensus Decision Making
- Basic Steps in Consensus Decision Making
- Facilitation for Consensus Decision Making
- Mutual Aid and Internalized Cultural Messages about Work
- Horizontal Group Structures in Mutual Aid Work
- Group Culture around Capacity in Mutual Aid
- Facilitating Conversations about Capacity in Mutual Aid Groups
- Burnout in Mutual Aid Groups