Valentine’s Day Webinar with Fireweed Collective

I was lucky to get to present a webinar on Valentine’s Day with Fireweed Collective about Dismantling the Romance Myth. Here are the slides from the webinar, and I will post the video here when it is ready.

They are working on creating a video that has me, the ASL intepreter, and my slides, but for now, here is the video that includes me and the ASL interpreter.

Above is the video that includes me and my slides

P.S. I did a follow up to this session in Feb 2022. Here’s the video of that session.

Conversation on Transformative Justice and Mutual Aid and Two Recent Interviews

Last week, Mariame Kaba and Ejeris Dixon joined me in a conversation about mutual aid, transformative justice and abolition. It was one of the best public conversations I have ever been part of and I highly recommend watching the recording!

In advance of that event, Barnard College interviewed me about mutual aid.

I also recently spoke to KUOW’s Bill Radke on The Record. You can listen here.

Book Launch Event, Death Panel Podcast, and 5 Books that Inspire My Thinking on Mutual Aid

Last week I launched my new book, Mutual Aid, in conversation with Whitney Hu, hosted by Community Bookstore. You can watch the event video if you missed it.

Verso also recently gave me the opportunity to write a short descriptive list of five books that have influenced my thinking about mutual aid. You can read the essay, which focuses on the work of the Black Panther Party, the Young Lords, No One Is Illegal, and INCITE! and includes writing by Peter Gelderloos, Alondra Nelson, Harsha Walia, and others.

I encourage you to listen to all the episodes of the Death Panel podcast, including my recent conversation with them about mutual aid, COVID, poor relief histories, law, and more.

Finally, I wanted to note that my new book is part of a four-book series from Verso about COVID and care. Collect all four!

Recent Events: Recordings to Watch!

Check out these three videos of recent panel events I was part of.

This panel at NYU’s Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality was a truly interesting conversation. And there was accidental outfit coordination between panelists.

This event at San Francisco State was a showstopper, featuring so many brilliant thinkers talking about queer justice, colonialism, war, and pinkwashing.

I was honored to be the keynote trainer at Movement Law Lab’s final session in their Build Power, Fight Power online course, in which thousands of lawyers and law students participated over several months. In this talk, I provide a basic rundown of the limits of law and lawyers to social movements, and the potential for us to participate in ethical, transformative ways.

Finally, this event with the Yale Undergraduate Prison Project about queer and trans abolition politics is not to be missed!

Abolition 101 Video

I recently had the pleasure of doing an Abolition 101 workshop for 350 Seattle as part of their Racial Justice Is Climate Justice Learning Series. I wonder if this short workshop might be of use to other groups trying to introduce a discussion about abolition to their members. If you want to see the resource list 350 put together after, which includes some of the things I mentioned in the video and a link to my slides, look here.

Podcast and Webinar on Mutual Aid

Here is a podcast interview I did with Anarchy on Air with host J. Kēhaulani Kauanui  in September, 2019, that I think I forgot to share here.

And check out this webinar from yesterday about mutual aid, which includes an info-packed, concise history of Black mutual aid from Dr. Shabazz. Not to be missed!

Recent Podcast Interviews and Webinars

Listen to this conversation between me and my friend and collaborator, Ciro Carillo about COVID-era mutual aid, overwork, burnout, and caring for ourselves and each other.

Check out this conversation about evaluating reforms in the time of #Defund campaigns, we me and Mariame Kaba, Wood Ervin, Kamau Walton and K Agbebiyi.

Don’t miss this conversation on queer abolition I got to be part of with Andrea Ritchie, Kenyon Farrow, Zakara Green, Jason Lydon, Su’Gani, and Mike Cox.

Also, this conversation about mutual aid with Klee Banally, Kali Akuno, and Mariame Kaba.

And this rad event with Nikki Columbus, Hanna Appel, David Xu Borgonjon, Sami Disu, Jamila Hammami, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Yu-Line Niou, Sandy Nurse and Naomi Zewde.

Video of Conversation about Pinkwashing and Solidarity with WWU’s SUPER Chapter

For Israeli Apartheid week, I joined the SUPER chapter at Western Washington University and gave a talk on pinkwashing and how it emerged from a rights-based gay liberal inclusion politics, and what it looks like to resist that politics and center racial and economic justice in queer and trans liberation work. The first two minutes have some strange audio so I recommend skipping to 2:00 and diving in from there.