
Big Door Brigade: A mutual aid toolkit full of models of mutual aid groups and information on how to start and sustain mutual aid efforts.

Black Agenda Report Abolition Mutual Aid Spotlight: This series of interviews with mutual aid project initiators and participants explore how mutual aid projects work, why they are so essential to social movements, and how they confront obstacles.

Building Accountable Communities: What do we mean when we talk about transformative justice and accountability? What does a survivor-centered response look like in practice? How can we support those who have caused harm without defaulting to punishment?  This series of videos and events promote non-punitive responses to harm by developing resources for transformative justice practitioners. These videos are a great place to learn more about what transformative justice and community accountability are and how people are practicing them.

No New Youth Jail: A website documenting the fight against a new youth jail in Seattle and shares general resources for activists working to end the prison industrial complex. This fight started around 2012 and ended with the new jail opening in 2020. There were many victories and innovations along the way that are worth studying, and while the battle to stop the jail was lost, the fight changed Seattle politics in powerful ways.

Pinkwashing Exposed: Documentary on anti-pinkwashing and Palestine solidarity activism in Seattle.

Queer Dreams and Nonprofit Blues: A video series exploring how the nonprofit industrial complex affects activism, from how we work, to who leads, to how we envision or limit our liberation.

Queer Trans War Ban: A toolkit of stickers, flyers, t-shirt designs, posters, buttons and other materials to do anti-military recruitment, anti-police, and anti-ICE outreach at queer and trans events in your town.

Sylvia Rivera Law Project: Collective organization focused on providing free legal services, engaging in impact litigation, and building community organizing led by and for trans and gender nonconforming people who are low-income and/or people of color.