Queer Dreams and Nonprofit Blues: Lessons from Anti-Violence Movements
Interview with Colombian LGBT TV Show “El Sofa” (dubbed in Spanish)
Videos and interview
Here is a recent interview on Society and Space–thanks to Natalie Oswin for asking very interesting questions!
I have some new video projects to share. Here are four short movies that Reina Gossett and I made with Hope Dector from the Barnard Center for Research on Women. Please join us for a live online discussion of them on February 7.
Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 1): Prison Abolition + Prefiguring the World You Want to Live In.
Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 2): Practicing Prison Abolition Everyday
Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 3): What About the Dangerous People?
Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 4): Gun Control + Producing Dangerousness
Also, I am excited about two new videos out from Washington Incarceration Stops Here!
Please share these videos!
Interview: On Normal Life
Here is an interview I did with Natalie Oswin on Normal Life for Society and Space.
Reviews, news, interviews
Thanks to Dan Irving for a generous review of Normal Life in GLQ and to Rachel Levitt for this review of Normal Life in the inaugural issue of QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking. I also want to share a new interview that just came out at the Youngist. And finally, thanks to Jordan Flaherty for this excellent Al Jazeera America story about police profiling of trans people. I can’t figure out how to embed the video here so I’m sharing this image of a Trans Day of Action poster that I love instead.
A (Brief) Guide to Queer Youth Organizing, Avoiding Burn-Out, and Surviving: Interview by Suey Park
War and Marriage
This week a new article by me and Craig Willse went up on Organizing Upgrade that aims to capture some of the important left critiques of marriage that have been obscured by the pro-marriage messages of same-sex marriage advocacy.
Also, this interview about why the new campaign for military inclusion for trans people won’t benefit our movements went up on BuzzFeed. As the President pushes us toward war in Syria, its especially important to build shared analysis about anti-war politics. Military service inclusion campaigns invite us to be the new poster children of a purportedly fair and equal military, meanwhile the brutal violence of US militarism continues around the globe. I am hoping both these pieces will stimulate conversation and be useful among activists and in classrooms.
Interview: Four Burning Questions for Dean Spade
New article about pinkwashing and new interview in Upping the Anti
Big thanks to Robert Nichols for interviewing me for the journal, Upping the Anti. You can read the interview here. Also, the N.Y.U. Review of Law and Social Change just published a symposium issue about the Perry v. Brown same-sex marriage litigation. I have an article in it about pinkwashing. I also recommend you check out articles by Andrea Ritchie, Gabriel Arkles, and many more.