Workshop Series: Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups

October 2021-January 2022 I am offering this series of four workshops about how to meet common obstacles facing mutual aid groups. For each of the posted workshops, you can find the slides, links to resources mentioned, templates of proposals I discussed in the workshops, and other tools in the links below each video here. The last in the series is coming up January 20. Register here.

WORKSHOP 1: No Masters, No Flakes

Group culture, capacity, overwork, procrastination, and perfectionism in mutual aid groups.

Presentation slides (PDF)
Results from the live polls (PDF)

Dean Spade: Facilitating Conversations about Capacity in Mutual Aid Groups (video)
Dean Spade: Burnout in Mutual Aid Groups (video)
Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 2): Decision-Making (video)

WORKSHOP 2: Decision-Making

Poll results

Dean Spade: Facilitating Conversations about Capacity in Mutual Aid Groups (video)
Dean Spade: Burnout in Mutual Aid Groups (video)
Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Workshop 1): No Masters, No Flakes! (video)
Consensus (Direct Democracy @ Occupy Wall Street) (video)

WORKSHOP 3: Skills for Abolitionist Practice

Live transcription is available here.

A workshop with Dean Spade about giving and receiving feedback in mutual aid groups.


WORKSHOP 4: Bringing New People Into the Work

More videos from this series:

Conversation on Transformative Justice and Mutual Aid and Two Recent Interviews

Last week, Mariame Kaba and Ejeris Dixon joined me in a conversation about mutual aid, transformative justice and abolition. It was one of the best public conversations I have ever been part of and I highly recommend watching the recording!

In advance of that event, Barnard College interviewed me about mutual aid.

I also recently spoke to KUOW’s Bill Radke on The Record. You can listen here.

New Video: Conversation with Dream Defenders, Ujimaa Medics, Mariame Kaba, and Dylan Rodriguez about Mutual aid

“Mutual Aid” is a People’s Movement: Beyond Philanthropy, Charity, and Dependence on the (Police) State

An American Studies Association 2020 Freedom Course recorded on April 22, 2020

Framing questions: * What is “mutual aid,” and how is it different from charity, philanthropy, and state social services? * How is mutual aid part of current and historical freedom, liberation, and self-determination struggles of different peoples? * How are mutual aid efforts responding to the COVID-19 pandemic? * How can people participate in mutual aid projects RIGHT NOW?

Participants: * Rachel Gilmer, Helen Peña, and Dr. Armen Henderson Dream Defenders ( * Amika Tendaji Ujimaa Medics ( * Mariame Kaba Project NIA ( * Dean Spade Seattle University School of Law ( * facilitated by Dylan Rodríguez Univ of California, Riverside; President-Elect of the American Studies Association (2020-2021)