New GIFs and Videos for Pride!

Hope Dector and I have been making more things!

Animated GIFs featuring art by Micah Bazant. Please share!
Find them on Giphy here and here for sharing on facebook.





Queer Liberation: No Prisons, No Borders
Featuring Reina Gossett, Angélica Cházaro, CeCe McDonald, and Dean Spade. With art by Micah Bazant, Roan Boucher, Julio Salgado, Rommy Torrico, and Zuleica Zepeda.

Videos and interview

Here is a recent interview on Society and Space–thanks to Natalie Oswin for asking very interesting questions!

I have some new video projects to share.  Here are four short movies that Reina Gossett and I made with Hope Dector from the Barnard Center for Research on Women. Please join us for a live online discussion of them on February 7.

Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 1): Prison Abolition + Prefiguring the World You Want to Live In.

Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 2): Practicing Prison Abolition Everyday

Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 3): What About the Dangerous People?

Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 4): Gun Control + Producing Dangerousness

Also, I am excited about two new videos out from Washington Incarceration Stops Here!

Please share these videos!