This Valentine’s Day, Let’s Ditch Romance Myths and Seek Collective Liberation

It’s the first Valentine’s Day in the second Trump presidency, and the speed-up of racist, ecocidal, patriarchal, wealth-concentrating terror is ploughing through, leaving devastation, despair and overwhelm in its wake. In courageous pursuit of love for our people, in profound solidarity with life on the planet, it’s time to shrug off the patriarchal romance myth and the ways it domesticates our freedom dreams, demobilizes our disobedience, and isolates us from the very people and pleasures that can make life worth living.

Valentine’s Day is a mainstay of the romance myth, insisting we celebrate romance or feel left out. It asserts that romantic relationships are the most important, that our lives are empty without them, and that we should sacrifice all to get and keep them. This myth is an important part of the social control that keeps patriarchy and racial capitalism going.

Regulating people through the government-approved family form has been essential to colonial projects of land theft and enslavement, border enforcement, military conscription, and the creation of racialized-gendered welfare systems that quell rebellion and stigmatize poverty. The romance myth is crucial for maintaining a gendered division of labor and extracting unpaid reproductive labor from women.

Romance myth propaganda in songs, shows, romance novels and social media keeps us psychically tethered to a belief that romantic love and marriage will provide emotional and material security. It demands that we jealously compete for the ideal mate (and housing and job), obsess over our worthiness, and devote time and energy to meeting societal norms — all of which undermines our solidarity and collectivity.

Generations of feminists have exposed marriage and romance as structures built to confine and control women and children and maintain the racial order, and also encouraged us to tap into the erotic as power. Feminist and queer resistance reminds us of the wild creativity and aliveness, the feral pleasures of our bodies and generous connections across friendship, lovers, chosen family and our collectives. The methods by which the erotic is domesticated are truly heartbreaking.

We are offered unsatisfying prizes in exchange for our wildness: sexless yet “secure” relationships, jealousy, unsustainable domestic labor and child care arrangements, products to decorate our cages — and self-blame for our unhappiness. Meanwhile, the person most likely to hurt or kill you is a date, family member or partner.

Amid a pressing acceleration of harm and violence (ecological crisis, wealth concentration, immigration enforcement, criminalization, attacks on queer and trans people and reproductive care, genocidal and imperialist warfare) our resistance movements are often disorganized by the romance myth. People tend to wreak havoc on lovers, groups and communities when caught up in romance myth scripts and reactions. Our groups implode because we don’t know how to stick together when we are overcome by the fear, insecurity, distrust and disappointment that are bound to arise when people gather to do anything that matters to them. And our lack of skillful attention to relational and group dynamics frequently turns off newcomers, leaving our efforts too small for the immense work that is needed.

We often pretend it doesn’t matter how we treat each other as long as we get the deliverables out: meals distributed, banners dropped, court cases filed, actions planned. Yet as feminists have always maintained, the personal is political, and the “women’s work” of attending to relationships is vital. Many brilliant organizers (or former organizers) who identify as “burnt out” aren’t tired simply from the hard work of collective action but from unresolved conflict with other organizers that no one had the skills to address.

Even people who somehow had maintained hope in liberalism, the Democrats and the trappings of neoliberal multiculturalism until the 2024 election are now encountering disillusionment. The dangerous fantasy that the United States government is going to solve the problems it creates and perpetuates is crumbling. Let it go! Now, how do we welcome newly awakening and despairing people into our movements, including those coming back after the isolation of burnout? How do we create onramps to mobilization that help people start from whatever they are initially pissed off about and expand their solidarities to care for more and more people, to understand the links between their own lives and everyone’s?

We can start with recognizing how isolated people in our society are. More of us live alone than ever, and report having no one to share good and bad news with. So when people take the risk to find us, we need to welcome them, knowing that they are seeking belonging and connection alongside purposeful action. Our groups shouldn’t feel like workplaces where we push ourselves and each other, sacrificing relationships to get the next task done. This isn’t a short-term situation. The rest of our lives will be unfolding, worsening disasters caused by ecological crisis and the unravelling of U.S. empire. The success of each action must be measured on whether, when it was over, we are more prepared to take bold action together, more connected to one another, more trusting and trustworthy.

My assessment, 25 years into resistance work, is that right now all it takes is one strongly emotionally activated person to disorganize almost any group. A string of smaller unresolved conflicts precede the moment of blowup and break down. The romance cycle is present in our groups just as in sexual relationships and friendships. We often project at the start that this person or group is going to meet deep unmet needs, that we’ve found “the one,” and we selectively ignore signals that conflict with our rosy view. Inevitably, at some point, disappointment arrives and now we tear down our beloved — our devastation proportional to the height of the pedestal we had previously placed them on.

How do we create groups that can stay together, anticipate this cycle, hold each other even when someone gets stirred up and goes into attack mode? How do we stay connected through strong feelings, sticking to our principles of repair rather than wreaking havoc? How do we hold ourselves with care and remember our shared purpose when we are gripped by strong reactions and spinning out, especially given that we often find a political rationale for our emotional reactions?

Conditions are worsening so rapidly, and we need to be steady and prepared to take bold action together, to care for each other, and to fight back. As Kelly Hayes has written with such clarity, we need to develop a much more robust underground in this time, so that we can make and distribute our own medicines, protect each other from the police and immigration enforcement, take aim at the infrastructure aimed at our people and the planet, and claw back what we need to survive. We are, and will be, working under escalating pressures of grief and loss, political repression and harsher conditions of immiseration. We need resistance groups where people listen to each other rather than bossing each other around, and invite feedback and critique rather than silencing each other or being afraid to express important concerns. We need to know how to bring new people in and help them get deep into the work and become co-stewards, not just envelope-stuffers. As Toni Cade Bambara invited us, we can and must “make revolution irresistible.”

To do all this, we must individually examine which romantic fantasies are holding us back. How do fantasies of bourgeois nuclear family domesticity keep us from collectivizing our housing, cooking, child care and elder care? Could we live more collectively to save our time and resources so we can dedicate ourselves further to movement work? How do ideas about careerism and status rein in the radical possibilities of our life’s work? What if we understood that all the most important work we’ll ever do will be unpaid, autonomous from governments, corporations and philanthropists? What kinds of work would we do then, and how would we organize our survival to maximize time away from paid work?

How do romance myth fantasies about sex and love distort our expectations, get in the way of clear communication and consent, and undermine our friendships and radical collaborations? What if we recognized the strong feelings that can come up — jealousy, envy, possessiveness, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of engulfment — and cared for ourselves in them, while working to not to let them determine our actions in relationships?

What if we worked with our friends and comrades to cultivate shared principles for generosity, courage, autonomy and connection, as well as tactics for how to practice those even though racial capitalism and patriarchy have filled our psyches with damaging reactivity?

Caring for each other and the world around us has been the daily task of our species from time immemorial. And it’s more urgent now than ever. Our opponents have almost all the money and guns. All we have is almost all the people. We have to learn to take action together, to care for each other in life-threatening circumstances, and to fight back against deadly forces that currently dominate and endanger most life on earth. To survive, we can’t let our interpersonal conflicts fueled by romantic fantasies, or harmful habits of hierarchy and centralization inherited from the dominating systems (including schools, families, jobs and most religions) hold us back.

For Valentine’s Day in this frightening time, let’s dedicate ourselves to true love and liberation. May we all be free from romance myth brainwashing, free to love wildly and boldly, outside of domesticated expectations. May we fuel our rule-breaking with satisfying, invigorating sex and promiscuous friendship. May we become better able to love and care for strangers and even people we don’t particularly like. May we find those who are lonely and bring them to the struggle to be loved and cared for with us.

New Book! Out January, Pre-Order Now

Cover image of Love in a F*cked Up World: How to Build Relationships, Hook Up, and Raise Hell, Together

My new book will be out January 14, 2025!

Around the globe, people are faced with spiraling crises, from the pandemic and climate change-induced disasters to the ongoing horrors of mass incarceration, genocide, racist policing, endemic gender violence, and severe wealth inequality. More and more of us feel mobilized to fight back, often dedicating our lives to  collective liberation. But even those of us who long for change seem to have trouble when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Too often we think of our political values as outward-facing positions again dominant systems of power.  Many projects and resistance groups fall apart because people treat each other poorly, trying desperately to live out the cultural myths about dating and relationships that we are fed from an early age. How do we divest from cultural programming that gives us harmful expectations about sex, dating, romance and friendship? How do we recover from the messed up dynamics we were trained in by childhood caregivers? How do we bring our best thinking about freedom into step with our desires for healing and connection? Love in a F*cked-Up World is a resounding call to action and a practical manifesto for how to combat cultural scripts and take our relationships into our own hands, so we can stick together while we work for survival and liberation. Pre-order through Bluestockings and get 15% off with the code F*CKED<3.

Click here to watch the webinars I did with Fireweed Collective over the last four Valentine’s Days about dismantling the romance myth, which capture some of the themes of the book.

Building Accountable Communities Video Series

Please watch and share this new video series featuring Shannon Perez-Darby, Kiyomi Fujikawa, and Mariame Kaba, produced by me and Hope Dector. 

Accountability is a familiar buzz-word in contemporary social movements, but what does it mean? How do we work toward it? What does it look like to be accountable to survivors without exiling or disposing those who do harm? We made four short videos featuring Kiyomi Fujikawa and Shannon Perez-Darby talking about these issues, and then recorded a live discussion between Shannon, Kiyomi, and Mariame exploring models for building accountable communities for the purpose of healing and repair. 

The online event:

Part 1: What is Accountability?

Part 2: What is Self-Accountability?

Continue reading “Building Accountable Communities Video Series”

Resist Pinkwashing in Seattle NOW!

Shockingly, shamefully, on April 5, the Seattle LGBTQ Commission is sponsoring an event organized by the zionist hate group StandWithUs that will feature a discussion with a trans IDF officer. You may recall that in 2012 we had a huge controversy in Seattle about a different StandWithUs and A Wider Bridge sponsored pinkwashing event with the same Commission. Below is the letter I have just sent to the Commissioners, urging them to cancel. I encourage you to write to them. Their email addresses are not publicly posted by you can send correspondence to the City staffer who coordinates the Commission,

Continue reading “Resist Pinkwashing in Seattle NOW!”

Interview about Drugs and Sex and Bathrooms

It was exciting to receive the new issue of Original Plumbing that includes an interview I mentioned before that has had me looking back at old zines and photos from the 1990’s and early 2000’s. Here is the text and some photos of how the editors laid it out in the magazine. Thanks to Amos and Rocco! img_2764

OP: Can you tell me what happened to you in Grand Central in 2002? DS: In February 2002, I attended the protest against the World Economic Forum meetings that were being held in New York City. It was a large anti-globalization protest, similar to the protests that had happened in 1999 in Seattle against the World Trade Organization, in Quebec City in 2001 against the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas. These were all protests against summits where the rich and powerful gathered to plan economic policies that harm most people and the planet. It was also very shortly after the World Trade Center bombing on 9/11/01. The New York City government prepared for the protest by turning out the police in outrageous numbers. I participated in the protest with friends, and then we left. On our way home we decided to go to Grand Central Station to use the bathrooms because we had been out in the streets for hours and were in need. I went into the men’s a cop followed me, stopped me and asked for my ID. I explained that I was in the right place and I just needed to use the bathroom, and the cop started to arrest me. My friend Craig saw the cop follow me in and went in to see if I was okay. He and our friend Ananda who was nearby in the corridor both tried to intervene and advocate for me and they were arrested too. Others of our friend who were with us tried to get to us and were held back by a line of riot cops who showed up. We spent about 24 hours in jail. When we were transferred from the jail where we’d been to the cells at the court, a random court-appointed laywer came to talk to me about my arraignment. I had recently graduated law school but had never represented anyone in criminal court and didn’t really know what was going on or what was going to happen to me, or even whether or not I could actually be convicted of something. The lawyer who came to talk to me asked me about my genitals and when I told him I did not think it was relevant, he was mean and dismissive. It was really scary to see how even though, in so many ways, I was so privileged in this situation being a white person, employed, fancy-educated person, I felt really vulnerable in this system facing transphobia from the cops & the lawyer. Craig and I did an interview right after the arrest that is interesting to read because it shares what our take was on trans politics, the anti-globalization movement and bathrooms at the time.

OP: What kind of action came as a result of that incident? DS: The story of my arrest circulated as one of the news items about the protest. I got emails from people all over the country who had had similar experiences in bathrooms being falsely arrested or harassed, and also from people who had been beaten in bathrooms. There were also a lot of people in my local community in New York City who wanted to mobilize about what had happened. The connections I made and the information I gathered during this time about what was happening to trans people at the hands of the police and the inability of trans people to get effective legal help was important in building up to the founding of the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, which opened in Fall 2002. One of the first projects SRLP did was creating our 30 minute movie, Toilet Training and the activist/educator toolkit that goes with it. This movie was the first about this issue and has been used in all kinds of institutional settings by people trying to change bathroom access. It is still being used a lot, but it seems a bit dated now (finished in 2003) so we are in the process of making a new version with the brilliant trans artist and filmmaker who made the first version, Tara Mateik. Another influential thing, for me, about this experience that I think may be of interest to OP readers was that many trans people said negative things about me online after this arrest. Many people wrote that I must not pass and this must have been the cause of my arrest, so I was at fault for the arrest. It was a difficult moment of seeing the internalized transphobia in trans communities, and it felt like a betrayal. We made a zine, authored by “the Anti-Capitalist Tranny Brigade” as part of our organizing after the arrest called Piss and Vinegar. The title references the vinegar-soaked bandanas activists wore to the protest to protect against police teargas, as well as the phrase “full of piss and vinegar” meaning full of youthful energy, boisterous, rowdy. In the zine we wrote about how this policing within trans communities harms us all. It was very important to me in my work at SRLP and all my work going forward to try to build shared analysis in trans communities that rejects gender policing of all kinds, by cops and between trans people, and is committed to a vision of gender self-determination where no matter how a person looks, dresses, speaks or what medical care they seek, no one should be put in a cage. img_2765

OP: Had you considered yourself an activist before that all happened? DS: Yes, I was already a part of activist work in New York City. I had been part of multi-issue queer work going on in NYC when Giuliani was mayor that was focused pushing back against his administration’s brutal treatment of welfare recipients, its increased policing (especially of public parks and bars that were queer & trans gathering places), its attacks on sex workers and immigrants, and its criminalization of poor people. I got into that anti-Giuliani activist work because I was working at Meow Mix and other queer bars and at the gay bookstore A Different Light, and the other working class queer and trans people I met in those spaces were being affected by and organizing against Giuliani’s policing of night life and sex workers. I was also part of activist work to push back on how the lesbian and gay rights movement was increasingly pushing a conservative pro-military, pro-police, pro-marriage agenda. In 1998 I co-organized, in a group called the Fuck The Mayor Collective, the first Gay Shame event which took place at a queer performance and living space called Dumba and focused on articulating a queer agenda that would be the reverse of what we saw at corporate pride. For this event, we made a zine called Swallow Your Pride, also focused on building an anti-racist, anti-capitalist, feminist queer and trans resistance to the mainstreaming gay politics. This stuff feels like ancient history now, since that mainstreamed gay agenda is so ultra visible now and embraced by the US government and a lot of the 1%.

OP: How did your activism change as a result? DS: The kinds of responses I got from people who had experienced similar police harassment and bathroom issues and problems trying to get legal help spurred me to start the Sylvia Rivera Law Project. I could see that there was a huge need–trans people were and are targets of legal systems that enforce rigid gender norms, especially on poor people and people of color. And I could also see that there was building momentum for racial and economic justice centered trans resistance. I started the Sylvia Rivera Law Project as a space for both these things. I started it with a grant to be one lawyer providing legal help, but immediately we put together a steering committee to create a collective structure that could capture the energy of the community and work to provide more help than we would ever be funded to provide given how invisible and unpopular trans issues were at the time. SRLP is now 14 years old, still providing free legal help to trans people facing violence in prisons, foster care, public schools, psychiatric hospitals, immigration proceedings and more.

OP: What was the climate of understanding around trans people back then as opposed to now? DS: Trans issues are more visible now–a mainstreaming process is under way where certain trans lives are more visible in particular ways, and we are seeing a lot of backlash because of that. From the perspective of the people who come to SRLP for services, though, things are not getting much better. Providing actual help to trans people in need is still not popular with funders so the work is still always on a shoe-string, always with a waiting list of people who need services, and the conditions facing trans people in need are worsening. The immigration system, policing and prison systems have grown significantly since the project was founded, poor people are poorer, and benefits systems have been cut. Probably more people in the US would now say they know about trans issues or don’t hate trans people because they are seeing more media representations of trans people, but I think we have to really question what that mainstreaming changes. Mainstreamed media representations tend to show us what a “good” or “deserving” person from a marginalized group is and tell us to have sympathy for them. They don’t tend to disrupt narratives about who is “bad” and “undeserving.” So maybe some people who oppose the terrible bathroom bills would say that it is bad if a white, masculine, middle class trans man can’t use a bathroom, but do they feel the same about a disabled trans woman of color with a criminal record? I think a lot of the acceptance that happens when images of “deserving” trans people circulate is very conditional and rarely actually changes what the most vulnerable trans people are going through. My life as a white trans professor might get better, or I might experience some new acceptance because of the mainstreaming, but conditions are still horrific and getting worse for SRLP’s clients who are locked up or who experience ongoing police profiling and harassment, exclusion from jobs, education and health care, and possibly increased vulnerability because they are the ones who will get caught up in the backlash. activist-counter-to-spd-safe-space

OP: What are you working on now? DS: One thing I have been working on lately is trying to get more of the critical ideas I care about into circulation in more accessible ways. I want more people to have tools for thinking and talking about the limits of mainstreaming, the problems with a pro-police, pro-military LGBT politics, the reasons that queer and trans liberation means getting rid of borders, prisons, police, and poverty. I have been making videos and GIFs that I am hoping can circulate more than the writing I have mostly done in the past. In 2015, I finished an hour-long documentary called Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back (online for free) that tells the story of local activists resisting pinkwashing. The goal is to help broader audiences understand what pinkwashing is. I have also been making a bunch of short videos with Hope Dector at the Barnard Center for Research on Women. One series of short videos, called “Queer Dreams and Nonprofit Blues: Understanding the Nonprofit Industrial Complex” is about how the lesbian and gay rights agenda got so narrow and what is wrong with that and how we might imagine alternatives. Another series is about why increasing criminal penalties and policing is not the answer to the problem of violence against women and LGBT people (you can watch these at For Pride 2016 we released a video called “Queer Liberation: No Prisons, No Borders” that connects queer anti-deportation and queer prison abolition work. We also released some cute GIFs about getting police out of Pride celebrations. Right now there are so many ways that cops, the military and corporations are making themselves out to be “LGBT friendly” as a PR stunt. Its important to meet that queer and trans people and our allies see through this and understand why our liberation is about dismantling these institutions, not being claimed by them. pinkwashing-cc-16-image

OP: What is the best thing that has ever happened to you in a bathroom? DS:Generally, sex and drugs, of course. Specifically, a wonderful memory is from some time in the late 1990’s or early 2000’s when the San Francisco MOMA hosted a dance party in the museum. My friends and I were on ecstasy and I remember the bathrooms there were huge, maybe 10 sinks in a line, and we had so much fun hanging out in the bathroom with all the other people on drugs, going between the bright lights of the bathroom and the dark dance floor lighting, washing our hands over and over because it felt good. Perhaps it was particularly exciting because we were used to gay bars and clubs with small, dark bathrooms? I don’t know but I remember the bathrooms being the best part of that party.

OP: What is the most heartening thing you have witnessed in regards to progress being made for trans people in bathrooms? DS: I think, overall, it is heartening that there are so many more people working on this than there were in 2002. Also, it feels like there are just more trans people and I love that. I think the key thing for us now is to think carefully about what we want our movement to look like. Are we fighting to just have a privileged few of us take our places in the existing racist institutions of the US, or are we part of a broader struggle that would actually benefit all trans people and everyone who is harmed by the enforcement of gender norms? One way this comes up is about the bathroom and sex-segregated facilities. We need to make sure the conversation is not just about the bathroom, but that we take that conversation and use it as a way to talk about how trans people are experiencing violence in all the places where gender norms are enforced through sex segregation, especially prisons, jails, immigration facilities, psychiatric hospitals, group homes, and shelters. The most vulnerable trans people facing the most violence are in these spaces, and if we stick to only thinking about bathrooms and/or mainly imagining the ability of white trans people to access bathrooms at school and work, we will miss the chance to intervene on the most significant sites of violence in trans lives.

New Videos on Marriage

Hope Dector and I just released six new videos from our Queer Dreams series. These all examine the limits of marriage inclusion as a liberation strategy for queers, and the reasons it became so central to the agendas of the most well-funded LGBT advocacy organizations. I hope these will be useful tools for teaching and community conversations.

New Writing and Videos

I have gotten a bit behind at posting new work. Many new things have come out.
normal life cover

First, the new edition of Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the Limits of Law is out from Duke University Press. It includes new reflecting on the mainstreaming of trans politics and new cover art by Xylor Jane.

Normal Life was published last month in Spanish from Bellaterra Press. You can find Una Vida Normal here.

In other translations news, I had a wonderful visit to the Center for the Study of Sexualities at the National Central University of Taiwan. My generous hosts translated some of my writing to Mandarin. Here is Chapter 2 of Normal Life, “What’s Wrong with Rights?” in Mandarin. Here is the article I co-authored with Morgan Bassichis and Alex Lee that appears in Captive Genders, “Building an Abolitionist Trans & Queer Movement with Everything We’ve Got” translated to Mandarin. And here is an article with some US trans law basics in Mandarin.

My documentary Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back! (1 hour long) came out in the summer of 2015. You can watch the entire film on the website and you can watch with captions in English, Spanish or Greek captions (Mandarin is coming soon!).

We also made short clips that address particular topics that are easy to share. These include “What is Pinkwashing?” “What is Brand Israel?” and “What is Normalization?”  I put all of these and the full documentary online hoping that people will do free screenings in their own communities and on their campuses. I am happy to report that the documentary has already screened at festivals and community events around the United States and in Canada, Argentina, Japan, Korea, Greece, Holland and in the UK.  It is playing on Cambridge Community Television tomorrow!  You can read a review of the Pinkwashing Exposed in the recent issue of Make/Shift magazine.

Last month, The Scholar and the Feminist Online published a special issue co-edited by Soniya Munshi and Craig Willse, entitled “Navigating Neoliberalism in the Academy, Non-Profits and Beyond.” It is full of great articles and I highly recommend the whole issue. It includes a new article I co-wrote with Dr. Rori Rohlfs called “Legal Equality and the (After?)Math of Eugenics” that looks critically at the proliferation of new statistics about LGBT populations and how they are used in legal reform efforts.  The special issue also includes six more short videos in the series that Hope Dector and I are making as part of our Queer Dreams and Nonprofit Blues project.

Finally, in November I participated in an Oxford Union Debate about whether states should recognize marriage.  It was probably among the most uncomfortable events of my life, not only because I was wearing a tuxedo but also because I was on the “same side” of the debate with a raging zionist and a raging transphobe. Still not sure what to make of all that, but if you want to see what I said, here is the video.