Queer Dreams and Nonprofit Blues: Lessons from Anti-Violence Movements
“I Use My Love to Guide Me”: Surviving and Thriving in Impossible Situations
Too Queer To Be Square
I published a short essay in the new book, After Homosexual: The Legacies of Gay Liberation, edited by Carolyn D’Cruz and Mark Pendleton. The book reflects on the 40th anniversary of the publication of Dennis Altman’s Homosexual: Oppression and Liberation.
My essay, “Too Queer to Be Square,” looks at how queer politics has conservatized in the last 40 years and what queer and trans activists are doing to resist that.
Interview with Colombian LGBT TV Show “El Sofa” (dubbed in Spanish)
Feminist Valentine
Calvin B., Hope Dector and I made a Valentine for you all.
Download to share as PDF | as JPG | as individual JPG images
- Image Descriptions:
- Slide 1: A torso of a shirtless man and a woman in a red silky neglige, he is grabbing her waist and she appears to be pulling up her skirt. The text says : Temptation too powerful to resist: The Romance Myth.
- Slide 2: Image of Tom Cruise delivering the famous line from “Jerry Maguire”: “I love you. You…complete me.” Text below says: “Romantic love is EXCLUSIVE! If it’s real, you won’t find anyone else attractive or get crushes on anyone else.”
- Slide 3: Image of Edward and Bella laying in the meadow staring at each other from Twilight movie. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you…I’d rather die than be away from you.” Text says “Obsession, jealousy and possession are natural and ok. It mean’s he likes you. When its real it should last forever and lead to marriage and happily ever after.”Slide 4: Shows book cover of a book called “Catch Him and Keep Him: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Mr. Right… And Keeping Him for Good!” Text says: “Compete with others to gain romantic attention from desirable partners. Women must be willing and adventurous to keep men, but if a woman enjoys sex or pursues it she’s a slut. Women should give up everything for their kids and husbands or they are selfish.”
- Slide 5: Still from the Little Mermaid movie of Ariel in the sea talking to her friends. Text says: “To get romance, women must be skinny, sexy and able to perform every cultural fantasy about femininity and submission, yet also independent and confident.”
- Slide 6: Image of a couple in the ocean together with the setting sun behind them about to kiss that says “Stalking Love.” Text says: “What the Romance Myth Feeds: Dependence & Resentment & Cheating & Domestic Violence.. 30% of relationships, queer and straight alike, include domestic violence.”
- Slide 7: Background is the cover of a women’s magazine that says in large letters “Flatten your belly.” Text says: “Research shows that 80% of women are unhappy with what they see when they look in the mirror. That makes sense because the current media ideal for women’s bodies is achievable by less than 5% of women in terms of weight and size. Top models weigh 23% less than the average woman. Eating disorders are the third most common chronic illness among women. 81% of 10-yr-old girls in the US have dieted at least once. The single largest group of high school students considering or attempting suicide are girls who feel they are overweight.”
- Slide 8: Background is a scene from the Simpsons with Marge cleaning while Homer sleeps on the couch and Bart runs through the room after the dog. Text says: “Economic vulnerability (especially for women)–one partner coerced into unpaid domestic labor, often can’t get out of relationship because of loss of job experience and earning potential”
- Slide 9: Image of a celebrity wedding with woman in traditional dress and veil and man in white tuxedo. Text says: “WHO BENEFITS? The $40 billion wedding industry.The $38 billion hair industry. The $33 billion diet industry. The $24 billion skincare industry. The $18 billion makeup industry. The $15 billion perfume industry.The $13 billion cosmetic surgery industry.”
- Slide 10: Image from The Wizard of Oz with Dorothy finding the Wizard behind the current. Text says: Dispel the Romance Myth!
No One Is Disposable: Everyday Practices of Prison Abolition
Videos and interview
Here is a recent interview on Society and Space–thanks to Natalie Oswin for asking very interesting questions!
I have some new video projects to share. Here are four short movies that Reina Gossett and I made with Hope Dector from the Barnard Center for Research on Women. Please join us for a live online discussion of them on February 7.
Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 1): Prison Abolition + Prefiguring the World You Want to Live In.
Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 2): Practicing Prison Abolition Everyday
Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 3): What About the Dangerous People?
Reina Gossett + Dean Spade (Part 4): Gun Control + Producing Dangerousness
Also, I am excited about two new videos out from Washington Incarceration Stops Here!
Please share these videos!
Interview: On Normal Life
Here is an interview I did with Natalie Oswin on Normal Life for Society and Space.
Reviews, news, interviews
Thanks to Dan Irving for a generous review of Normal Life in GLQ and to Rachel Levitt for this review of Normal Life in the inaugural issue of QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking. I also want to share a new interview that just came out at the Youngist. And finally, thanks to Jordan Flaherty for this excellent Al Jazeera America story about police profiling of trans people. I can’t figure out how to embed the video here so I’m sharing this image of a Trans Day of Action poster that I love instead.